We provide senior talent with extensive, practical industry experience to help you win what matters most.

Business Development (BD) Strategy
Organizational restructuring, operational delivery models, and adapting to changing market conditions.
Praxxs business development strategists manage the entire Federal, State and Local government opportunity lifecycle, including short and long-term strategic growth planning; qualifying acquisition opportunities; productizing offerings; establishing strategic vendor and business partner relationships; developing win strategies and solutions; managing large scale capture and proposal efforts; determining price to win; and managing new business to maximize return on investment.
We assist clients in organizational restructuring and operational delivery model alternatives to increase their ability to adapt to changing market conditions. Our approach includes harmonizing industry best practices with corporate legacy business development, capture capabilities, and we mentor, train business development, and capture professionals during the process. Praxxs is highly experienced at penetrating market “white space” via holistic campaigns that include strategic alliances, acquisitions, key hires, organic development, R&D, and product investment.
Pipeline Optimization
A targeted pipeline of strategic and tactical opportunities aligned with your objectives, capabilities, and resources.
Praxxs works closely with your leadership teams to develop a customized and optimized growth strategy through pipeline optimization. The strategy includes a well-defined pipeline of targeted opportunities, a harmonized set of business development processes and tempo, and a suite of growth initiatives to accelerate your ability to win new business.
We perform pipeline optimization by road mapping opportunities to agency initiatives; enhancing key market positioning; and productizing investments in emerging technologies as a means of achieving and exceeding corporate growth targets and market penetration. The purpose of pipeline optimization is to provide a targeted pipeline of opportunities by aligning our identified strategic and tactical opportunities with our client’s business objectives, their capabilities, and their resources. The ultimate objective is to increase your growth rates and revenues.
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To optimize your business opportunity pipeline, Praxxs takes a market-driven three-phased approach:
Phase I – Identify what, why, when, and how customers are buying
Phase II – Identify what, why, when, and how you are selling
Phase III – Aligning your sales with customer buys in the next 18, 36, and 60 months
Phase I of pipeline optimization is to identify what, why, when, and how customers are buying. To do so, we leverage various information sources, such as:
Annual Budgets
Agency Strategic Plans
Customer Opportunity Forecasts
Long Range Acquisition Forecasts
Business Intelligence Services (e.g. Gartner, GovWin)
Government Information Sources (Federal Business Opportunities, Federal Procurement Database)
Industry Journals (e.g. Washington Technology, Federal News Radio)
Social Media (e.g. Linked In, GovLoop, Facebook)
Industry Days
Vendor Outreach Sessions
Matchmaking Events
Customer Conferences
Technical Working Groups
Teaming Partners and Strategic Alliances
Program Offices
Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization Specialists (SADBUs)
From these diverse sources, we segment the market identifying the market drivers and direction, and develop a profile of the market buying factors. We correlate these factors to your market profile, valuation drivers, and internal business objectives. An important output of this correlation is identifying your business challenges in terms of what you target; how you sell and compete; how you leverage your core capabilities; what financial and time investments you need to make; and how you capitalize your investments.
In Phase II of pipeline optimization, we identify what, why, when, and how you are selling. We work with you to develop a plan to address the business challenges identified in Phase I. The first step is to baseline and measure your core capabilities. This step includes analyzing your service lines and products along with your teaming partners and mapping them to market segments and to your potential customers. Once mapped, we identify any gaps in your service and product offerings for that particular customer and develop strategies for closing the gap. Upon completion, this collection of service/product offerings to customer establishes your strategic marketing and revenue opportunities, which is your strategic marketing plan.
Phase III of pipeline optimization is the final phase wherein we align your sales with customer buys in the next 18, 36, and 60 months. We take your strategic marketing plan and analyze each targeted customer’s current contracts including their expiration dates to determine the timing of new acquisitions by customer. We also analyze what contracts will be consolidated into or replaced by other contract vehicles, and when. By aligning your marketing opportunities to the customers’ buying timelines and methods, we develop your final marketing plans for the next 18, 36, and 60 months. These three plans, which collectively form your optimized pipeline, become the basis for your capture activities including:
Identifying and assigning capture leads for each customer and opportunity
Developing comprehensive customer plans that span multiple opportunities
Developing recommended marketing approaches
Developing detailed customer call plans
Identifying strategic capture consultants and strategic hires
Identifying small business teaming partners or prime contractors
Targeting strategic contract vehicles to pursue that enable customers to acquire your services
Throughout all three phases of pipeline optimization, we work with you to track all of these activities and to implement the final marketing plans in suitable customer relationship management (CRM) tools, or you are welcome to use Praxxs’ web-based CRM system. At this point, you are ready to transition to capture management, where Praxxs can help you establish a business development (BD) “battle rhythm” for consistently executing and tracking disciplined capture activities to promote your qualifications, prove your worth, and win customer confidence well in advance of the customer’s final acquisition plan. Ideally, while opportunities are in their early stages, you want to help shape the acquisition and develop a trusting relationship with your prospective customer.
Capture Management
Marketing services, and aligning solutions, capabilities, and technical products and services with customer needs.
Praxxs provides practical, experience-based, comprehensive capture management services. We work with our clients to market their services to agencies, including aligning our clients’ solutions, capabilities, and their technical products and services with current and future agency needs.
A key success factor is assisting our clients to understand thoroughly what the agency want as well as what the agency needs – which are not always aligned. To do so, we work with agency staff to identify and define what the agency really wants and needs. Our pre-solicitation activities include identifying agency opportunities through government, commercial, and agency sources, including industry days, technology forums, agency-sponsored outreach events, and industry marketing events. To help the agency become familiar with our clients’ interests and abilities, we work with our clients to prepare brief and focused presentations and white papers highlighting their capabilities and solutions. Our goal is to shape constantly the solicitation in the most favorable manner for our clients.
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A successful capture constantly evaluates multiple dynamics for the opportunity, including:
The end customer’s needs and wants
The competitive landscape
Our client’s team’s capabilities (strengths and gaps)
Pricing, ranging from best value to least cost
To prepare our client properly, we use techniques such as opportunity assessments, black hat strategies, draft RFP review, competitive assessments, readiness and gate reviews, teaming partner strategies, price-to-win, and win strategy, win theme, and differentiator development. Capture activities include:
Leveraging our business development and capture relationships that span the Beltway’s Tier 1 Competitors
Preparing the runway for single and multiple opportunities
Defining accurate capture deliverables
Planning the capture using resource loaded scheduling
Selecting and sequencing capture and proposal leadership resources
Identifying the bid team’s past experience, including gaps
Determining the strategic fit of the opportunity with our client’s objectives
Conducting a SWOT C2 analysis (customer and competition)
Analyzing the bid team’s core capabilities and competencies, including gaps
Performing pre-solicitation preparation and positioning
Finally, we fully subscribe to the old adage that companies win opportunities in capture and lose them in proposal. Consequently, we place great emphasis on properly transitioning capture activities to the proposal process.
Proposal Management
Develop requirements-driven, properly-organized, and effective proposals to win what matters.
Our proposal management services enable you to develop requirements driven, properly organized, and effective responses. Our proposals are easy to evaluate, easy to score, and easy to award to you. We emphasize proposals that are:
Compliant with government instructions and requirements
Complete, providing a comprehensive and appropriate solution
Compelling, that presents a clear, low performance risk and contract risk solution that accurately presents the bid team’s real capabilities, complete, and compelling proposals
To deliver these proposal management results, we use a variety of proven techniques including:
Preparing bid and proposal (B&P) budgets for delivery and decision
Analyzing the newly-released request for proposal (RFP) during the first 24-48 hours after release
Developing a comprehensive proposal strategy including cost, schedule, performance, and resources
Creating and delivering kick-off briefings
Developing an integrated proposal management plan and schedule
Developing a requirements-driven proposal outline
Developing proposal work packages, writing templates, and storyboards
Scheduling, preparing, and managing effective review teams (color reviews)
Using and integrating proposal management tools and applications within the proposal processes
Planning, executing, and managing the final proposal production process
Most or our consultants are trained in Shipley or Association of Proposal Management Professionals (APMP) methods and have practical experience with various proposal support applications and technologies.
Our senior consultants are former executives. We can assist your with your important business development needs.
Our experienced senior consultants are former executives who understand the federal marketplace, customer needs, and how to differentiate a product in an increasing competitive marketplace. In addition to helping clients to develop a plan, we help them execute it. Our domestic and international business development market area experience includes:
Information technology (IT) including cybersecurity
Intelligence community
Financial services
Training and mentoring
Program management
Chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives
Aviation including manned and unmanned
Border security
Law enforcement
Weapons systems and command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR)
Please contact us to better understand how we can assist you with your important business development needs.